Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Win with us!

Hey girls!

We are running a Facebook competition for Let's hear it for the girls this month.  Like us on Facebook here and you will go in the draw to win a fabulous Pamper Package for Two!  The prize includes brunch and bubbles at Arborio Restaurant, a cut and blow wave from Misse Hair Boutique, facials from the fabulous Beautiful Hush and acrylic nails and a gelish toenail treatment from Mystique Nails!  Double your chances by writing on the Let's hear it for the girls Wall and tell us what your favourite winter pick me up is!  I hope you win it! 

Love has been in the air (or on the wind) this week.  And lots of different types: weddings, loving thy self, friendship, family, a most loved article of clothing.  It seemed that no matter where I went there was something that made me think about love and its huge impact on us and our lives.   

"When you are in love you can't fall asleep because reality is better than your dreams." - Dr Seuss

I was watching E! Channel recently and managed to catch an E! Special on Wills and Kate, their love story and the wedding.  It was very easy to get caught up in the hype of the wedding at the time and I have to admit, like so many of us now, I had totally forgotten about their love story.  It was kind of cool to revisit their courtship (when we called her Waity Katie) and remember that these two aren't "royal love by numbers".  They have a true-to-life love story that has really stood the test of time, under such intense scrutiny by the public.  Here are the beautiful couple, hobnobbing it with the stars at the 2011 BAFTA Awards.  Even Jennifer Lopez looks starstruck!

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart - Helen Keller 

Loving Thy Self - I have to share this article that I found on sheknows.com!  This is the Top Ten WTF! Beauty Rituals and I have to tell you, the lengths that someone women will go to achieve whatever it is that they believe beauty is, are rather terrifying and completely hilarious!  Imagine smearing bird poo on your face as a facial, like some women do in Japan!  It really did make me think about my beauty routine and how I really love doing just the small things, just for myself.  Like putting on lipgloss or using my favourite face scrub.  Giving yourself little treats doesn't just have to be beauty related either.  It can be as small as just making someone at work a cup of tea.  Here is 81 little presents you can give yourself, try and do one today! 

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage - Lao Tzu

Don't forget to check out the Facebook competition!  Until next week.

Love from the LHIFTG Team x

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