Thursday, September 29, 2011

Summer, Strawberries, Sun and Specials!

Hey you,

Daylight Savings has started!  I hope you all have remembered to turn your clocks forward an hour.  Summer is so close - I can almost smell the sunscreen, the BBQs and the freshly mown lawns. 

And I’m really excited because strawberries are making a comeback into the supermarket!  Strawberries are my favourite berry, they are amazingly good for you and super versatile.  Did you know that strawberries are the only berries with seeds on the outside?  And that they are actually a member of the rose family.  If you are worried that you might have had a strawberry overindulgence episode, think again!  One cup of strawberries contains just 188 kilojoules (or 45 calories for you calcounters).  They are high in vitamin C, which is the new thing in anti-ageing and also phytochemicals that contain immune-boosting and other health promoting properties.

So, with that in mind, what better way to get all that good stuff into your body than by making a super delicious Strawberry Daiquiri cocktail!  This is a recipe that I love to make:  get yourself 50ml of white rum, about  10ml freshly squeezed lime juice, 5 or so ripe strawberries and some sugar syrup* to taste.  Stick it all in a blender and serve in a margarita glass with some mint leaves to garnish.  Tastes just as good in a virgin version as well ;)

Finding out that strawberries are anti-ageing was a true bonus.  I’m just had another birthday and to be honest, I am really beginning to think about the ageing process and looking/feeling my best in this stage of my life.  With so many products on the market, it’s really confusing what is good and what is a total gimmick.  Retinol, night creams, eye creams, day creams, sunscreens.  So I asked my beauty guru, Jenna from Beautique what she recommends to someone like me:  “Products containing vitamin A and C products are the most effective in terms of anti-ageing.  And from the inside, Omega 3 and 6, so lots of fish and seafood.  A have regular facials using trusted, recognised brands”.

All potions and lotions aside, one recipe for the Fountain of Youth still remains:  lots of sleep, lots of water, lots of exercise, lots of fresh fruit and vege, sunscreen and happy thoughts.  And quit smoking!  Wow, that’s really easier than it sounds.  I’d be lucky to do two of those in a week!  Perhaps I should just be happy with ageing (dis)gracefully.

One thing I won't be doing this summer is showing off my winter coat!  With the weather warming up and hemlines/shirt sleeves getting shorter, I've been casting a (rather critical) eye over myself and I have decided it's time to get in shape for summer.  No more of my favourite food groups for me - pastry, chocolate, chips, WINE.  And a healthy prescription of daily exercise.  I bet my resolve lasts all of one day.  The diet choices isn't too much of a problem, I actually find that I prefer healthier options most times, especially in summer.  There is nothing better than fresh veggies and fruit.  But it's the exercise that gets me.  Walking/running really bores me, I can't commit to the gym or a program (because of the nature of my job) what can I do?  This season, I have banned myself from the lift.  It's my mission to use the stairs 90% of the time.  Let's see how I go. 

In saying that, if you can find a buddy that is keen to exercise with you then exercise is generally much easier.  And more rewarding.  Hit up your workmates, friends, family, neighbours and get motivated this summer!

Now, we here at LHIFTG are very excited because we have just launched our exclusive registration system!  By registering pre-event, you can book yourself into all sorts of amazing treatments at show only prices.  Honestly, you can’t get these specials, even at the show!  AND you are guaranteed a super special speciality goodie bag, crammed full of exclusive treats.  It’s almost too good to be true!  Click here and register yourself right now! 

Until next time,

LHIFTG Team x  

PS.  Look out for our new billboards, they go up this weekend!

* (Quick sugar syrup recipe:  stir 500g sugar into 250ml water and bring to boil, stirring constantly. Cool and refrigerate.)

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